
GRB060512: near IR observations.

Sharapov, D.; Djupvik, A.; Pozanenko, A.; Cummings, J.
GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, 5267, 1 (2006)


We observed  optical afterglow of GRB060512  (Cummings et al. GCN 5117; Klotz et al. GCN 5140)  in Nordic Optical Telescope with NOTcam in near IR (J) on May 13 between (UT) 02.40 - 03:44.  A  brightness of the OT is following:

J mag, Err,Exposure,  T0+ (Mid time,s)

18.90 0.09  8x90s  12838
18.96 0.09  8x90s  13849
19.09 0.10  8x90s  14843
19.14 0.11  8x90s  15835

The calibration is based on 2MASS star RA  = 13:02:57.846 DEC =
+41:10:23.08, J = 14.485 +/-0.03 and consistent with calibration based on IR standard star observation in the same night.  A power law decay index alpha ~ 1.1 in J between   (UT) 02.40 - 03:44 (May ,13) is compatible with the index deduced from  Ks observations (Hearty et al. GCN 5126, Tanaka et al. GCN 5129).

The first combined image of  8x90s exposure can be found in