
Hermes and the Sagittarius Dwarf: A Low Metallicity Goldmine?

Hyde, E. A.; Zucker, D. B.; Irwin, M.; Peñarrubia, J.; Koch, A.
Galactic Archaeology: Near-Field Cosmology and the Formation of the Milky Way. Proceedings of the conference held 16-20 May 2011 in Shuzenji, Japan. Edited by W. Aoki, M. Ishigaki, T. Suda, T. Tsujimoto, and N. Arimoto. ASP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 458. San Francisco, CA: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, p.325 (2012).


The Sagittarius dwarf galaxy and its vast associated stellar stream represent the most dramatic example of a satellite accreting onto the Milky Way in the past few billion years. We present an in-depth characterisation of the Sagittarius core using spectra of over 7,000 red giant stars taken with AAOmega on the AAT, and show the first results of stream and core data together. Future observations with HERMES will yield detailed abundances to compare with models of chemical enrichment.