
Quasars in the OTELO survey

González-Serrano, J. I., Cepa, J., Gallego, J., Alfaro, E., Sánchez-Portal, M., and González, J. J.
Science with the GTC (Eds. José Miguel Rodríguez Espinosa, Francisco Garzón López, and Verónica Melo Martín) Revista Mexicana de Astronomía y Astrofísica (Serie de Conferencias) Vol. 16, pp. 279-280 (2003) ( (RMxAC Homepage)


OTELO is a survey of emission line objects that will be carried out using tunable filters with OSIRIS at the GTC. The survey will have a deep impact on extragalactic astronomy owing to its large area and its high sensitivity. In this paper we discuss quasar detection within this survey and estimate the number of quasars that can be found in OTELO.